News - Philly Injury Lawyers

Medical Malpractice Vs Medical Negligence
Medical malpractice and medical negligence. It’s a sensitive subject, but the fact of the matter is, these terms come up over and over again in the medical field. For those of you not familiar with them, we’re going to break it down for you. We’ll present information on what they mean and how (and why) they can affect you and your loved ones. Example: A couple of months ago, a man died in a hospital

Understanding Nursing Home Negligence
All You Need To Know About Nursing Home Negligence Typically, families don’t really take the responsibility to place an aging loved one in a nursing home or long-term care facility casually. They do so to ensure that their dear one obtains the medical support and attention that he or she needs. They do it to safeguard their loved ones from the negative consequences of declining mental or physical health. When you leave your loved one’s

Closed Head Brain Injuries Caused by Car Accidents
An automobile collision can cause a number of serious ailments, particularly brain and head trauma. However, not all brain injuries are equal. There are several levels and types of severity. Those who have had brain trauma as a result of a reckless driver, as well as those who care for them, should not have to deal with everything alone. We understand the stress you’re going through if you or a loved one has suffered a

What Steps to Take After a Construction Accident
A safe and healthy work environment is critical to the everyday operations of any construction enterprise. However, no matter how careful you are, accidents sometimes happen. Employers and supervisors need to be aware of what to do when an accident occurs on the job place. A Philadelphia construction accident lawyer has put up a list of things to keep in mind for anyone involved in a construction site accident. Several dangers must be overcome to

Misdiagnosis and Medical Malpractice
Medical error or delayed diagnosis of a medical disease, illness, or damage is the source of many medical malpractice cases. A patient’s condition can be made significantly worse, and they may even die if a doctor’s diagnosis error results in erroneous therapy, delayed treatment, or no treatment at all. However, a diagnostic error by itself is insufficient to support a medical malpractice claim. Continue reading to understand what a patient needs to establish in a

How To Talk To An Insurance Adjuster After A Car Accident
You must notify your insurance provider after an accident if your property is damaged or you are harmed. The other driver’s insurance company will also need to be informed. Insurance companies will contact you to set up a meeting with an adjuster as soon as they are made aware of the incident. When speaking to an insurance adjuster following an accident, you must avoid saying anything that might jeopardize your claim. If you’ve received any

Why You Should Utilize A Free Consultation
Why You Should Utilize A Free Consultation Many consumers use search engines like Google, Bing, or others to find a law firm that specializes in the type of legal work they require or one who is nearby when they need legal assistance. Although initial consultations are usually free, there is a limit to the amount of information you may obtain from a potential lawyer during one. In this article, Philadelphia Injury Lawyers P.C. explains why