What To Do After Getting Involved in a Bike Accident

Accidentally colliding with another vehicle while riding is something that the majority of people have never done before. It’s more probable that you’ll incur broken bones or see blood from wounds or scrapes in a bike collision than it is in the majority of vehicle accidents. Maintaining one’s composure and rational reasoning when confronted with such an event is difficult.

Whether for recreational purposes on the paths or for serious training on the roads, cycling will expose you to some risk. Accidents involving bicycles are generally minor inconveniences such as abrasions and scratches, but they may be life-threatening ordeals in rare instances.

When bikes and automobiles are engaged in an accident, it’s a scary experience. The fact that automobiles are rarely involved in bicycle accidents is convenient. If you were the one who was riding the bike at the time of the accident, Philadelphia personal injury lawyer could be a great help to you.

When it comes to compensation for your injuries and bike damage, it’s conceivable that what you do immediately after the accident will significantly impact the amount of compensation you receive. Furthermore, it may influence any legal proceedings that may develop as a result of the incident. To finish the work at hand, follow the procedures outlined below.

Wait Until the Authorities Come Before Taking Any Action

You must wait for the police to arrive on the scene before making a police report, even if you do not feel you have been injured. Several riders may not realize they have been injured until several hours after the collision has occurred. Even seemingly insignificant injuries might have life-threatening consequences in the long term. If accident victims fail to report the incident, they may never find out who was at fault.

Not attempt at all to come to a mutually beneficial deal with the taxi driver. Many drivers express regret and accept responsibility at the outset of an accident but afterward claim they were not at fault or even denied being involved in it. It is not an unusual occurrence. Maintain your composure and wait for law enforcement to come so that they may begin taking notes for the report. Another advantage of waiting for the police is that if the officers issue a ticket to the driver, it will aid you in settling your insurance claim with the company.

Your Version of Events Should be Used to Fill in the Blanks in the Accident Report  

In several instances, the police would speak to the driver while completely ignoring the rider. Take any steps necessary to ensure that your version of events is included in the police report. And don’t forget to report all injuries, no matter how little they appear to be at the time. It’s important to remember that even seemingly minor injuries can develop over time.

If the police refuse to include comments from witnesses in an accident report, there are processes to have the report amended by a judge.

Obtain the Names and Telephone Numbers of the Driver and Eyewitnesses

If you can, get the other driver’s name, address, phone number, driver’s license number, car license number, and insurance information. Attempt to hunt down the names and contact information of everyone who saw the incident and provide them with assistance. Please don’t make any inferences based on the police report because it may not have all this information. The assistance of bystanders might be invaluable if you are injured and unable to collect this information on your own.

Keep a Record of Everything That has Happened

Try to recall as many specifics as you possibly can about the accident, such as the events that led up to it, what you were doing at the time, where you were, and what the weather conditions were like at the time. It would help if you jotted down all of the facts you could get as soon as possible.

Take Photographs of Your Injuries and Keep a Record of Your Treatment

It is essential to seek emergency medical attention even if your injuries appear to be minor. If you go to the hospital to get checked out, you will have medical documentation to indicate how badly injured you were. Obtain some pictures of your injuries as soon as possible after the event to serve as proof of your injuries. Keep a journal of your physical symptoms and update it regularly to keep track of your progress.

Keep a Detailed Record of Evidence

Never attempt to repair or get your bike or other damaged property examined yourself. Leave the situation as it was following the collision. Your clothing should not be washed in the washing machine. Additionally, only your attorney should have access to your bicycle, helmet, and other protective equipment. Take photographs of the gadgets that have been damaged.

Consult with Expert Attorneys

Motorcycle car accidents are not prevalent, and they can include complex legal issues. It is possible that you have been hurt in a bicycle accident and that you need to consult with a personal injury attorney who specializes in bicycle accidents. An attorney of this sort can do the following:

  • Make recommendations on what you should do next
  • Get into discussions with the insurance companies
  • Serve as your legal representation if you are sued

Before communicating with the insurance company, you should consult an attorney. The insurance company may use anything you say against you in the future. By submitting a letter to the insurance company from an attorney, you can prevent dealing with legal issues. It is a fact of life that most personal injury lawsuits are settled outside of court.

If the circumstances warrant it, your lawyer or law firm may be able to get the services of a bike accident specialist to conduct an investigation. They could collect measurements from the skid tracks, take photographs of the site, speak with additional witnesses, or measure and draw the accident scene, among other things.

If you have been involved in a bike accident, Philadelphia Injury Lawyers P.C. can help you. Contact us for a free consultation.

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