News - Philly Injury Lawyers

Shall I File A Car Accident Police Report?
Have you been involved in a recent car accident? If you are still unsure whether you should file a car accident police report, let me give you further enlightenment on this issue. For record purposes of police, accident reports are essential in the collection of statistics on car accidents happening in a particular state. Car accidents report provide accurate data to the government, helping them come up with better and stricter rules in implementing road

Common Cold-Weather Injuries And How To Prevent Them
Common Cold-Weather Injuries And How To Prevent Them Those who are already injured or have just been injured often report additional discomfort when the temperature drops. This is not uncommon throughout the winter months. Anyone who has had a joint replacement or another kind of surgery is already more sensitive to the effects of cold weather. Philadelphia Slip and Fall Lawyer Injuries occurred in winter The consequences of being injured in the cold may be

5 Types Of Traumatic Brain Injuries You Should Know
5 Types Of Traumatic Brain Injuries You Should Know Whenever we encounter the phrase “brain injury,” we frequently associate it with impact-related occurrences, such as trauma. There are various forms of traumatic brain damage and none result from accidents or other physical harm. The extent of the injury, the precise degree of harm to the head, and the manner of the injury all affect the rehabilitation process. Treatment plans will be tailored to each type

Heat and Summer Activities – How To Use Caution
Extreme heat may be lethal. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 600 people die in the United States each year due to severe heat, most frequently from heatstroke, which happens when the body’s temperature exceeds 104° F or higher. However, many individuals are unaware of how severe and hazardous heat maybe. When temperatures rise, physical exercise may become dangerous. However, by taking proper measures and being aware of the warning signals

Get the Best Dangerous Dog Bite Lawyer in Philadelphia
Take your dog attack seriously. Contact Dog Bite Lawyer in Philadelphia Dog bites in Philadelphia often result in serious personal injuries. Each year, people throughout the country sustain severe injuries from dogs that require emergency medical treatment or surgery. In certain extreme cases, dog attacks even result in death. Knowing what to do after a dog attack can be confusing. That’s especially true if the dog that bit you or a loved one belongs to
What are the Root Causes of Medical Malpractice?
Today’s medical technology is advanced. But, medical errors are still prevalent. Medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death across the United States. Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare practitioner causes an injury to a patient by providing inadequate medical care. Medical malpractice cases are more complex as compared to other personal injury cases. Medical negligence continues to be a big issue in the U.S. People who have the victim of medical negligence should

When Is A Slip And Fall Accident Considered As Personal Injury in Philly?
Determining if a slip or fall accident can be already a personal injury case requires the professional advice of an experienced lawyer in Philly. So, how can a person verify if he or she has a legal case after slipping on a wet floor? When does an accidental slip or fall lead to liability? There are no specific explanations as to when a person could be held liable for Slip and Fall case in Philadelphia.