This is Why Hiring Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers is so Important

Being involved in a car accident put a lot of things on perspective depending on the type of damage you sustain on it. If you are with a loved at the moment of the accident, and he or she was injured you’ll probably begin to wonder if you need to hire a lawyer. Doubt can cloud your mind since your mind starts to go adrift.

We are here to tell you that it doesn’t matter your perceptions. In a moment of mental distress, the best you can do is having someone handle the aftermath of an unpleasant situation on your behalf. Maybe your damages are not a high as they seem, but there is also a chance that you could get compensated as you are entitled to.

medical malpractice lawfirmThis especially applies if you can make a case based on the responsibility of the involved party. As sad as this is to admit, car accident cases are the bread and butter of many Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers. A lot of them are known for handling the law in such fashion that it makes it impossible for a court of law to deny their claim.

There is no doubt that the decision to hire a personal injury lawyer is the right course of action for your family. The main question now is: How do you know if you really need the assistance of a lawyer to help you with your case? The following are the best reasons to justify a lawyer at your side after a car accident, read on:

Statute of Limitations

As it happens in all states when it comes to car accidents the involved parties have a limited time to sue. In Philadelphia, the statute of limitations clearly says that anyone can file a car accident claim within two years after the event, no more, no less. If you don’t build a case within that time, you lose your right to sue.
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When two people enter a legal conflict, they need to follow certain rules to sue. An experienced lawyer with enough expertise handling car accident injuries is very familiar with the twists and bends of the law. Therefore this makes them best suited to help you, as well as make sure you don’t say or do anything to jeopardize your case.
Dealing with Insurance Companies
This is probably the worst thing to say, but also a cold fact that you need to understand right off the bat: Your insurance company is never on your side. The main goal of any insurance company is to keep their costs down to a minimum and protect their revenue. You, on the other hand, are probably hoping to recover fair financial compensation for your injuries. Any experienced car accident lawyer is ready to deal with insurance companies in their terms to get you the money you are entitled to.

You Need to Assert Responsibilities
In car accident cases, proving who is at fault is often more complicated than it looks? Witnesses and police reports always contradict each other and determining the levels of negligence can be a nightmare. A well-prepared lawyer is ready to handle all the evidence and look at it with objective analysis to make your case for you.

When Are the Services of a Car Accident Lawyer Required?

If you were involved in a car crash that was not your fault, you have the right to retain the services of an attorney. You may believe that it will all work out in your favor because you were not at fault for the accident, but you will have to prove your innocence.

While seeking legal counsel is not required, a personal injury attorney may assist you in filing a lawsuit against a negligent party. Typically, being involved in a vehicle accident due to another party’s carelessness leads to stress, irritation, and injury.

Getting a personal injury lawyer to defend you after a vehicle accident ensures that you are represented by a highly educated professional about the applicable laws and procedures that may apply to your case.

An attorney may advise you on any time constraints that may prevent you from suing the at-fault motorist. For example, in many jurisdictions, you must submit your case within two years after your car accident, or you may be permanently barred from suing. Additionally, an attorney will be able to tell you of any specific exceptions to the limitation period, such as those for children.

Your attorney may pursue legal action upon your behalf and, therefore, advise you on the best strategy for mitigating any arguments made by the other party. Additionally, once your case is underway, your attorney will play a critical role in planning your suit for trial – and perhaps even in taking your case to trial if it does not settle.

While litigation is seldom required, the prospect of legal action provides significant power for negotiating a reasonable settlement.

Finally, and probably most significantly, choosing a defense lawyer educated about the law levels the playing field, particularly when up against the expertise and enormous resources of a big insurance company.

How Car Accident Attorneys Operate Legally

Negotiating an injury claim and litigating a personal injury case are both time-consuming processes. After a vehicle accident, doing this time-consuming task will be the last thing on your mind, assuming you can. An attorney can handle everything for you.

While that might be your first encounter with the intricacies of an injury claim, injury lawyers have encountered a wide range of cases and insurance firms. They have expertise in collecting evidence to substantiate your claim, including police reports, witness testimonies, medical records, and invoices, as well as employment and lost income information.

Additionally, your attorney will arrange the facts and write the insurance company a payment demand letter. When you cannot solve your injury case, your lawyer can handle the necessary paperwork and communicate with the defense lawyers on your behalf. Having someone competent handle the problematic aspects of your case alleviates your load, which is critical if you have been severely wounded and are attempting to recuperate from your injuries.

If any of the following apply, you may be required to retain an attorney:

  • Broken bones, hospitalization, and long-term health consequences
  • Someone was killed in the collision.
  • Medical therapy that exceeds a few thousand dollars
  • Absence from work, school, or regular activities
  • Non-economic losses such as mental distress, physical pain and suffering, and companionship loss
  • There is disagreement about who is to blame for the accident.
  • The accident resulted in the death of several individuals.
  • The accident occurred in a construction area or other dubious location.
  • The documentation does not seem to be authentic
  • Details are perplexing (technical, legal, and medical)
  • Insurance is not being cooperative.

Your Attorney will Evaluate the Amount of Compensation You Are Entitled To

Even though the accident was not your fault, hiring a vehicle accident lawyer can protect you from legal problems and increase your chances of receiving the results you are looking for. You may have a mechanic’s estimate or an itemized hospital bill in hand, but this does not cover the whole of your financial load. You may be entitled to collect the following:

  • Damages for contempt
  • Suffering and pain
  • Wages lost
  • Reduced earning potential

While there are numerous avenues for obtaining compensation after such an accident, not all of them apply to your particular situation. You risk wasting time and money pursuing the wrong kind of compensation.

How Can Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers Help You?

Perhaps the most critical way a lawyer can assist you in your car accident lawsuit is by acting as your champion. It implies that your attorney works on your side and for your advantage throughout the whole complaint process (negotiation with the insurer), including in trial if a case becomes required. He or she will act as your advocate before the judge, jury, and opposing counsel, ensuring that your side of the story is heard and that you are recompensed for all of your losses. Hiring an experienced and articulate lawyer on your side is crucial to achieving a reasonable and fair settlement in your car accident case.

So if you have been a victim of a car accident and are unsure about the legal action, seeking the help of a Philadelphia car accident lawyer would be the wisest course of action. Contact our law firm for a free consultation.

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